South East Brisbane Steiner School
OSHC & Vacation Care Program

Before/After School Care & Vacation Care Program
The South East Brisbane Steiner School has established an agreement with Mighty Oaks Outside School Hours Care which is located at Alexandra Hills State School. Students are transported to and from the school by private mini bus during term time. The school welcomes other services who may wish to offer outside school hours care at their service.
Mighty Oaks also offers vacation period for children who come from a range of local schools. During the holidays the children form lasting friendships and can’t wait to meet up again for vacation care. Mighty Oaks is a small OSHC with limited vacancies so if interested we recommend you book in early to avoid disappointment. Feel free to call admin through Rose Rainbow kindy for a fee estimate on (07) 3824 2018. Your child will have a vacation to remember – meeting new friends, playing and having fun and learning new skills and extending their ideas without even knowing it.