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What is the religious philosophy?

Steiner education in non-denominational and not affiliated with any particular religion. The philosophy does identify a holistic view of children which include their head, heart and hands which incorporates a child’s spiritual development and affirming human values and wellbeing. The school encourages children to have a sense of direction, service and purpose they can carry forth throughout their lives.


Does my child have to do Naplan?

Steiner Education offers an Approved Australian curriculum. Naplan is offered if you would like your child to complete, but not compulsory.  


How are the children assessed?

The South East Brisbane Steiner School uses a number of assessment tools and overall teacher judgement of children's capabilities and progress towards achievement standards. Diagnostic assessment is used to give an indication of children’s present capabilities and to identify any gaps in learning or special knowledge/interests. Formative assessment gives children feedback on a regular basis which helps them respond to the learning intentions for particular tasks, track and celebrate their progress and achievements. Feedback is fluid and helps children make adjustments and develop their agency. The learning intentions and assessment criteria are made very clear to students, using child friendly language.


Assessment evidence includes rich data that is used for child study and assists in knowing each student well and tracking their learning and development over time. Evidence is collected in many forms for electronic child portfolios using observations, learning stories, workbooks, journals, group work, reflections and assessment tasks. The South East Brisbane Steiner School uses a 5-point rubric that demonstrates understandings and level of support needed to complete a set task. The scale is a continua for children to make progress using strengths based language rather than formal grading.  


What are the views on technology?

As Steiner indications prioritise real world learning through working and learning cooperatively in groups, technology use is limited for younger children. There is a grounded philosophy for learning through authentic and concrete real-life experiences. Children are engaged in learning using data, design and process skills, which are foundational to competency with digital applications. Technologies are viewed as tools to enhance learning and research as the mirror, magnifying glass and window to the world. Children learn that technologies serve us and are not our master. 


Is Steiner education suitable for neuro diverse learners?


The South East Brisbane Steiner School caters for diverse learners through differentiated and personalised learning approaches, building on students strengths and priorities. Steiner Education values inquiry learning and development of the whole child, head, heart and hands. Students’ special interests and knowledge provide the hooks for deep learning and engagement. The South East Brisbane Steiner School is not a special school and offers an independent mainstream education to students on a case by case basis. The school does not have high level specialist support or resources available at this point, but welcomes and supports diverse learners including students with a neurodevelopmental disorder, gifted and talented students, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and students for whom English is an additional language or dialect. A meeting can be arranged to discuss your child’s individual care and learning support needs. The South East Brisbane Steiner School approach is underpinned by a comprehensive Inclusion Statement that endorses the Mparntwe Alice Springs Education Declaration (2019), as well as the Disability Standards for Education (2005). These guiding documents incorporate building learner engagement and success through reasonable accommodations, building resilience and a growth mindset, so each student experiences a sense of belonging and will learn and flourish.  


Are specialist Arts lessons offered?


Steiner Education has a core focus in development of children’s musical and artistic faculties woven throughout subject areas. Students are offered specialisation in Music, learning singing and a stringed instrument, chime bars and melodic instruments. Steiner is closely linked with neuroscience and healthy and happy brain maturation through learning music, movement and The Arts. The Arts including Visual Arts, Dance and Drama develop children’s imagination and creativity, using visual images to enliven learning and aid memory skills. Traditional arts and crafts are valued for their benefits in rhythmic movement and patterning skills. Children develop their will, persevere and learn design through various mediums that engage the head, the heart and the hands.

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