South East Brisbane Steiner School

Primary School
SEBSS Primary School
Learning is enhanced when all children have increased opportunities expand on their interests, embrace challenge and to experience achievement, including diverse learners, who are not always successful in traditional classrooms. Our classrooms are multiage with small class numbers to enhance personalised learning.
There are currently 2 classes for early and middle years.
CLASS 1: Prep to Year 2
CLASS 2: Year 3 to Year 5
As of 2023, we offer placement to students up to Year 5. From 2024, classes will include Year 6 students.
Rhythm of the Day
The Steiner Curriculum is carefully balanced through daily rhythms where there is time to engage their will, relax and feel refreshed so they are receptive to focused learning. Rituals and traditions set the daily rhythms and build the culture so each child feels protected and nourished, knowing they are a valued member of the community of learners.
Main Lesson
The main lesson builds on children’s unique interests, curiosities and wondering about their world through immersing children in integrated subject areas and sharing narrative, investigation of natural environment creating a bridge between the Arts and Science.
Learning instrumental music i.e. violin and singing with specialist teachers is a strong feature of South East Brisbane Steiner School as they enliven the child’s feeling life. Confidence grows through music and singing, the celebration of seasonal festivals, dramatic productions and the opportunity for community performances.

A typical day starts with a Gana Gathering and Morning Circle, bringing the whole class together and includes dances, verses, numeracy and literacy. Stories and song are offered to enliven and inspire the child to experience and imagine the ideas being presented to the class.
Health and Physical Education is also included in the first part of the day.

The focal point of each day is the Main Lesson, the academic cornerstone on which the day is built. Multidisciplinary integrated units of work incorporate English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences that enliven the child’s imagination and encourage problem solving and creative thinking.

In the afternoon, specialised lessons are offered, including Hand crafts, The Arts - Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts, Technology, Languages, Health and Physical Education.